I know Lisa loves me and really gets me, based on some of the gifts she has given me over the years. For example: a reclining chair, sloth sweater, retro kick wax, a thobe, and… well another reclining chair
This Christmas she really hit it out of the park with a subscription to the ‘Cloud Appreciation Society’! This is a bona fide cool group. They post a cloud every day that a member has sent in and they tell you what kind it is and any other interesting info there might be. Cool stuff right? Hit me up if you want to know how to join.
A few days into the new year we had a real stunner of a sunset. I sent it in along with some info about the 10th mtn division and the title “fire on the mountain “.
Alas, I was declined. I’ll keep trying but will share it with you here. ( and no- I don’t know what kind of cloud it is! I’ve only been a member for a month!)
Member #64646