Monday, June 30, 2014

Venezuela road trip 2014- Morrocoy

Venezuela road trip 2014

After a great first year in Venezuela we decided to tour around a bit before heading home. The first part of the trip was inspired by the Griswold family vacation- We left Caracas with surfboards (instead of grandma) strapped to the roof of the car. We stopped at Colonia Tovar, Choroni, Chuao, the Henri Pittier National forest and El Limon, Morrocoy, Bejuma, and back to Caracas. The second part was Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's book "the Lost World". To see if there really were dinosaurs living on the Tepui's we flew to Ciudad Bolivar and then Kavak. We explored canyons, journeyed by indigenous canoe, and slept in hammocks at the base of Angel Falls- didn't find Conan Doyle's creatures but had an amazing time. Will try to do justice to each of the legs of the journey- enjoy!

This was what we needed. We had enjoyed the last two spots but they weren't the "awesome" level that we were hoping for, so it was with a bit of trepidation that we drove into towards Morrocoy and the Los Cocos posada. I knew everything would be alright as we drove past the town of Moron. "Are you serious?" Lisa asked when I said to pull over for a photo- yes, yes I was.

Morrocoy is a series of islands that you get taken out to by boat. Once there you pretty much just sit around and find your happy place- snorkeling, reading, playing in the sand... we pretty much found them all.

The posada was amazing as well- cool buildings and great food- we were very well taken care of- the most amazing hatch of mosquitos as well on day 2- holy blood donation! 
Furio- the nicest guard dog in the world

But back to the beach already!

he's playing I swear.

awww how cute- the kids are playing bartender.
that is one Calvin and Hobbes look if I have ever seen one!

Warning- graphic content to follow!!
remember those pictures of the PAN swimsuit? well you knew it had to lead to this- don't say you weren't warned.

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