Thursday, October 17, 2013

Republica Dominicana

Hard to believe 8 weeks of school have flown by and we have been in Venezuela for 10! When we first arrived October break looked far far away but we heeded the advice of another teacher to book early as many flights fill up. We also knew that with all of the newness we would be getting used to, our brains would need a break so instead of exploring a far off remote cultural gem... we went to the beach. and I must say it was very nice that the main decision I was faced with each day was should I have a beer at 11... or 11:30 today. 
Hello Dominican Republic!

One of the first things I noticed in the large open air buildings were the fans- big fans, I am talking some big.... well see for yourself
(best fan company name ever by the way)

So there we were at an all inclusive resort on an amazing beach with our friends the Simpsons. How in the world were we going to find enough to do all week?

Some people see paragliding as a thrill seeking activity- we saw it as babysitting- we tipped the guy an extra few bucks and didn't see Wilder and Luca for hours!

We did indeed finally let them down- even the DR has child services it seems.

What would a vacation be without shopping?- no kidding there was a Bon Jovi gift shop around the corner... but their sign was pathetic.

This one is for Gord Fraser- "for you- almost free!"

I sat and watched this guy take in and store his fishing nets, just a nice slow pace to his work- and the two dogs were happy to just roll around and play. I was also excited because I had just bought a yellow Presidente Beer shirt at the Elvis gift shop.
We signed up for an afternoon zipline tour and one of the best parts was driving out to the site. Every building is so colorful- it was great to just watch it all go by. The guy leading us out there was funny he would say "we will be coming up to a photo, get your cameras, NOW!", and then as we drove away would explain what it was that we had all just missed taking a photo of- we did have a tight schedule I'm sure.

The one that got away- just around the corner was a small roundabout with and older fellow sitting there with all of these plastic bottles on a table- some clear some not. I figured he was selling moonshine- then realized he was the local gas station for motorcycles- can't believe I missed that picture-darn.

The ziplining was great- I figured it would be a couple of 100 meter lines- no way- there were 12 in all and the 2 longest were over 700 meters. I was giggling like a schoolgirl- hey I'm sure I wasn't the only one.
the pros
Our best excursion from the beach would be the day trip to Sauna island, a small nature preserve off the southeast coast of the Dominican Republic.
There were a few "try to separate the tourist from their dollars" schemes along the way- like the bathroom break at the giftshop, rum bottle with your families picture on it, or dancing lessons on the boat ride- but even still it was an amazing day- The guide said that the movie Blue Lagoon was filmed there but I didn't see Brook Sheilds.
we stopped at a shallow section so we could get photos taken with the local giant starfish- This nice lady just wanted her starfish as a hat picture but Luca was determined to photobomb,

Do you know how hard it is to get a family of four to all look and smile in the same direction? Seriously

amazing beach- amazing kid

You could pay for a fresh coconut oil massage- but Luca got one for free!

He is a little too young to be looking that comfortable with a drink in his hand on the beach.

Awwwww shucks.

I cannot get used to the variety of colors the Caribbean sea offers up.

Wilder's little friend Millie- one of the coolest little chicas in Caracas. 

There is just a vibe that really cool dads can give off... can you feel it? Yeah, I knew you could.

Starfish: look cool, taste terrible

I love this photo

So what a great trip- sand in our toes, beautiful water and skies, and sharing it with awesome friends- I guess we could have done worse. Now I just have to work off the effects of that buffet.

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