Monday, August 22, 2011

First Impression...Hot

Our first taste of Doha was climbing down off the plane onto the runway at 7pm- already dark and about 95 degrees. I'm thinking "this really isn't that bad- I can handle this" fast forward to the next day we walk the 50 metres to where our shuttle picks us up and after 5 minutes of standing outside I am sweating thru my shirt- I think even my knees were starting to sweat. It is truly an amazing feeling- then you go inside a building and its a cool Colorado day.
The kids were amazing travelers- 14 hour flight- no tantrums, they didn't make a mad dash thru customs (one little kid did- his mom was looking at him on the other side of security with quite the panic face going and I had a real moment of "I am so glad that is not my kid"
One dollar gets you a backrub in Houston-well spent

Yeah- we are kinda rockstar.
The view from the front door

The view of our front door


  1. Glad that you all made it safely. I see that they've done most of the buildings in earth...tone.
