Friday, November 9, 2012

Africa part 2- the animals of Lake Nakuru

I've watched my fair share of nature videos- heck I even lived in Tanzania when I was 7- but nothing can compare to actually being out on safari. So many animals- and they all want to eat! Talk about natural selection and evolution right in front of you- its a dog eat dog world and you don't want to be wearing the milk bone underwear. Each animal had some trick up its sleeve to find food or protect itself. Being just ordinary humans we didn't have any tricks and it was quite interesting to not be at the top of the food chain- this was especially apparent when we stopped for a bathroom break- you should have seen those Isoms jump out, wiz, and clamor back into the van like a bunch of vervet monkeys drinking esspressos. 
Our first stop was Lake Nakuru- enjoy! 
Giraffes are so cool- they eat the thorny trees which means they often prick their tongues- giraffe spit is a natural antiseptic- so if you ever have a cut- just let a giraffe lick you.

Getting licked sure feels funny- and that is strawberry fanta on his lips- not lip gloss

Zebras are the smart ones- they hang with the wildebeests- show them where to cross the river- then when the crocs are full- easy crossing! If I was a cowboy I think I would ride a zebra.

Survival trick: water bucks have coarse long hair and taste bad so the lions pretty much leave them alone.

Water buffalo:"alright here is how this is going to go: You stay on my back and eat the ticks and I'll make sure pretty much no one will ever mess with you."
Tick bird: "sounds like a deal, but you are on your own for getting that poop off your horn"

Water buffalos look like big dumb cows but they are one of the "big 5" because if they feel you are messing with them they get a little agro. I stared at one a little too long and I think he short sheeted my bed.

Lake Nakuru is known for having millions of flamingos that hang out together- this guy didn't get the memo. Some people think they are pink because of their diet- its actually because it makes them look FABULOUS!!

My favorite part: watching the animals- my second favorite part: watching the kids watch the animals. (3rd favorite part would be nachos)

That little gopher thing is called a rock hyrax- a fearsome deadly beast which should be one of the "big 5". (the big 5 are: elephant, water buffalo, rhino, leopard, and lion)

Lake Nakuru

Pelicans and flamingos

Charles is the man! If anyone needs his email to plan a safari let me know.

So this is what santa does in the off season.

You can't have too many giraffes- this one is a rothschild (sp?) a bit different than the Masai giraffe.


The very rare to see (who knew?) striped hyena. This one really left an impression with Luca as he told people for days about the striped hyena we saw.

Who is second fastest after the cheetah? Ostrich you say? Correct, and they can kick you into next week.

Thankfully this hiding snake was the only snake we saw all week.

The white rhino- so named because of its wide mouth- when they were naming the animals no one could understand the dutch who kept saying "name it the wide rhino!"
Ahhh the dutch- thats why we don't let them name animals much

So that was lake Nakuru- we loaded up after this and drove to the Masai Mara- but you'll have to tune in next time for that- cheers

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