Saturday, November 24, 2012

All you need

I recently got to go on a PD trip to Dubai, and as the conference wasn't especially good and I was by myself I ended up having alot of time to think. I also got to ski for the first time in 18 months so maybe the 2 things influenced eachother. The ski hill in Dubai is pretty cool- you walk into this too big for any real purpose mall and at the far end of the food court is a window looking out over the snow- you see little kids petting actual penguins and a small sledding area. You head in and buy your ticket- 2 hours for 45$, then proceed to the rentals where you get boots, snowpants, jacket, and skis. No hat and gloves- I brought a ski hat (really I did) I just left it in the hotel- no worries I thought I am from Tenessee Pass- I will not get cold. just to foreshadow- I got cold- real cold.
A real simple process and as I rode not walked the escalator up to the hill I couldn't stop grinning- I felt like a kid- so excited to be skiing- I even asked a lady to take my picture!

So there I was- skiing in jeans on a hill smaller than gold peak but it didn't matter- I was loving it and I realized that there are things in our lives that make us smile- more than smile- I think we need them. And then I got to the top of the run and there it was: a pearl of wisdom, a nugget for me to ponder:
more on this later- but first some pictures.
1st day of conference done- why sit in the room?

On the way out to Mall of the Emirates- look close for Tom Cruise

Cheney skis in Jeans

trying to give an idea of the pitch- it doglegs to the right after the building behind me

better living thru science!
All you need- is ...well what? fill in the blank for me- add a comment and tell me what it is you need.
So as I skiied my laps I got to think about what it is I need. In some ways it is pretty simple I need Wilder, Luca, and Lisa nearby. I need adventure- whether it is traveling, meeting new friends, teaching or some other form I need that stretching of what is comfortable in my life.
And I guess I need to ski- you don't know what you got till its gone- someday I will be back to the Colorado mountains to ski proper but till then it's dubai and sand dunes.

I also need my family and friends- so thanks for being out there- big abrazos to you all. Trust me you need one.

1 comment:

  1. Freedom to choose....

    Once again, awesomeawesomeawesome pictures and narrative.
