Thursday, February 12, 2015

nombres de edificios

 A little thing that I love is that in Caracas all of the houses have names. Each name is placed where presumably the pizza guy can see it and the cool thing is each one has its own unique font. As I run around the hood I often find myself wondering about the stories behind the names... or usually just inventing them for myself.
Here are a few I've seen:

Some are functional: can you guess the embassy housed here?

The haunt

This one is a mix of Luca and mania

Pa = short for papa and ola is clearly just a misspelled hola- "hello papa"

This one tells you what you will get if you try to climb over the fence.

little coral

This one is right near the E.U. embassy and one day while Lisa was running the gate opened, 2 armed men came out into the street, a car pulled out and drove away, armed men went back inside. Lisa said she managed a small "hola, buenos dias" but they didn't reply
 Lordy! this is where I usually get really tired on my run.
 Love this one
 Simple yet elegant
 The banana house! The banana house!
 The henhouse... hmmmm
 There is a sauna shop down the street and I always wondered who in the heck would shop there in Caracas? Oh, the Fins.
 Hearty and abundant

 Dunno, made me think of a margarito
 Caracas can be a city of shortages- which often breeds creativity. Need an "A" but only have a "V"? No hay problemas- tranquilo.
This one has had me wondering for a while- arriba means up and penas means... not sure really

So go ahead and name your house, pick a fancy font, and I will come and photograph it. Till you do I'll keep looking for good ones in Caracas- and I might even find one with your name on it.

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