Monday, September 2, 2019

4 weeks! no really?

Has it really been almost a month? Wow time is flying! I still feel like a total rookie but have made some progress. Here are a few milestones: 
1-I can say hello and thank you: (phonetically) mingalabar and jayzubar. I likely say them completely wrong but have been getting some big smiles for using them. Appears people appreciate the effort if not the proper pronunciation.
2- I can go out on a run and not get completely turned around. I can walk to school (and back), and I even can spot landmarks from the taxi- I'm telling you the mental map is starting to come together.

Many more to come I hope- till then here are a few photos of random this and that.

The bamboo scaffolding on buildings is sweet! Sketchy AF but in the end I bet it is just as strong as steel... but I'm still not climbing it

GREEN! as in: it is quite green here. It doesn't matter the surface if you don't scrub it- something will grow on it. It is amazing for the eyes to take it all in as we walk.


Just some cat pillows I found- pretty cool huh?

Kind of hard to see but this is cool. Those are fans for a car engine in there. Must be over a hundred. The guy next to him had drive belts, next guy steering wheels, then wipers, seat, taillights, and on and on. Every part for a car- I would love to see someone build a car just from the parts available on this street.

I have been noticing some relaxed copy-write law (or enforcement) But this I liked: 8up would just be too close to 7up- be safe, go with 9up. Lawyers won't call you for 9up.

So it rains a bit here. Actually it pours! Lisa came back from a run and wisely went right into the shower

I will devote a later post to things you can balance on bikes and scooters. This one is just to tempt you, and I was just a bit late. The guy on back had a 12 foot ladder... what could possibly go wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Great writing Innes! It's like you've been reading my mind - except you are way more funny! Keep it coming :)
