Monday, September 2, 2019


Downtown. Macklemore could write a song about this place. We have only been down there twice and I'm looking forward to getting back and just wandering (without rain). Here is the first of a few reports

sorry about the glare. What a cool window! roots growing down, water pipe, old paint- has it all.

Artsy? yes. Lisa? yes.

One could caption this: Lisa checking out two guys' nuts. But should probably go with 2 coconut salesmen and Lisa.

So I must have walked by a dozen of these without taking notice (rain and all) but then a betel nut salesman walks up to one, takes some kyat off the clip, attaches a bag of betel, and gives it two quick tugs. 
So now I have to watch, and sure enough a few seconds later up goes the bag to the top floor- magic!
can't quite see it but there is a hand grabbing a bag up there!

Luca and I found the possibly not authentic knock off store. Chelsea and Ajax kits for him, Myanmar team jersey for me. 12$ total... might not be real. (and the myanmar jersey, which is an XL by the way, is shall we say snug. I'm big in this country)

I think I will be saying this for a new building every time I go downtown but this is my favorite  building... this time. 

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