Saturday, November 7, 2020

Covid signs

If you didn't know, I like signs. I've had this blog post sitting in drafts just titled "covid signs". No time like the present, so lets look at what was in there.

This is a sign over at the Inya lake hotel. Lisa and I can't for the life of us think why snowshoes would be banned. Snowboards sure, but snowshoes?

These were some signs that I was ready for the October break that recently happened. Teaching in shorts and teaching from the beach. 

This was a sign I wasn't getting out much. "Lisa, come look- there is a bear in the sky!"

This is a sign I miss my AZ nephews. They used to be boys, now they are mega teens!

 This is a sign that my sister Caryn was spending too much time online during stay at home orders, She sent this picture to me and said "you should totally get this bike jersey!"

Jokes on her- I already have one!

Saw this online, it was right around the time my neighborhood in CO was discussing a sign for our road to discourage people from driving on it. They were thinking "NO TRESPASSING" I was kind of thinking this:

Seriously, this year has been a loooong one!

Thanks Internet

I'm not sure why I put this pic in this folder. A sign of warning to the mosquitoes in the house?

A sign that some things were somewhat normal. Wilder was practicing soccer with her team in Trinidad. Megan Rapinoe was still a badass.

A sign of things to come? Here is the text from what I posted on facebook about this picture:

I just had an experience that seems on line with the rollercoaster of emotions that this election has provided. I needed some diapers for a science lab and figured I would pick up a pack on my run to the store instead of making the school requisition guys go out and do it.
I was noticing how expensive baby diapers are when a cheaper option presented itself. After putting them in my cart I felt fear, shame, uncontrollable giggling, and hope. Hope that I wouldn't run in to anyone I knew. Again, these were for a science lab, not personal use.

I was shocked at how many of my so called friends believed these were for personal use- shocked!

A sign I took it easy for my halloween costume this year.

I have always liked elephant in the room jokes and now have a toy elephant in my classroom just because Eddie Farrel had one. When kids would ask him about it he would say "we don't talk about that"-brilliant!
Anywhoo- I liked this room, but we don't talk about the elephant room.

Finally- I hope we get a sign that this president is done. He has wreaked so much havoc on our environment, our government, and how we treat each other. I don't even know where to start. But I did see this we the people sign (on our fridge) and it helped. He tried to make us fear. We are greater than fear, we can get past this man. I have so many inspiring friends that I look up to- we can do this. Much love to all of you. 

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