Sunday, November 15, 2020

Down by the river

Lisa writes a weekly update for sports and activities at school. This week she wrote about Grandma Eula and her lovely trait of always having something to look forward to. It might be part of the reason She lived to 105- Eula always put something on the calendar and looked forward to it. As we all make our way towards the finish line of this covid-a-thon there haven't seemed to be too many things to look forward to! So it was with much Eula-like excitement we had when Lindsey and Gavin found a little boat that would allow a group of people to come and cruise for a bit- they even fed us amazing food and interesting cocktails. (the ship, not L and G)

This was not our ship- but it is the main type you see coming in as the Yangon Harbor isn't built for couples to walk hand in hand along the promenade- it was built to unload shipping containers!

Most of the photos were taken by Gavin- he knows what he is doing with a camera- that is why they are all so good (thanks for letting me steal some Gavin)

The town of Dala is across the river and there is a ferry- but a quicker and cheaper (and less safe) option for many are these water taxis. It was quite beautiful to watch actually as they zipped back and forth.

So we had a lovely time. It makes you realize that being with good people and sharing an evening really is about as good as it gets. Yes I can't wait to travel and all that- but a night with friends on a boat on a river... good stuff.


And since it was a river themed weekend I found myself on a bridge, looking down at a river on my Sunday ride.

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