Sunday, January 10, 2021

mission 11- the yangon marathon... sort of

 Usually around this time of year (give or take a few weeks) the Yangon Marathon is held. It was a really fun experience last year as we started in the dark and ran all over the city. I figured it was not going to happen this year and needed an outlet for all of these running miles I have been logging (that was typed in a very sarcastic font).  

Alright, so I have been running a little bit (sort of), I do want to participate in a race (sort of), and I do want a good social with friends (no sort of there!)

With that, welcome to the Yangon (sort of) Marathon

The idea was to have a 5k loop that everyone could run as many times as they wanted. Then we would have some beer and cokes after. 

Here is the course (Tom Kiddoo inspired).

As inspiring as the running of the bulls in Pamplona:  Here is the start

Luca and Fabian were in charge of cold drinks and music.

Liz and Gavin graciously offered to skip the run and guard the beer

The podium and the puppies

Thanks to everyone that came, that was a fun last mission. For a break where I would have rather been off adventuring I think we did all right kicking around our fair city.

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