Sunday, April 5, 2015

Luca's first kiss

While at the Aquarium in Curacao we took in a show. I'm always a little skeptical about these in a free willy sort of way but the digs in Curacao seemed on the up and up.
It was a sea lion show and they are quite cool.

Her name was Rocker and she did the basics: head stands, wave to the crowd, high fives. She ate a lot of fish too.

At the end of the show they asked for 10 volunteers.

Someone's happy to be chosen! But what were we chosen for?

Kisses!!! with just a hint of fish.

1 comment:

  1. Before you come back to CO, I would definitely go to the Galapagos. We went about 18 months ago along with a trip to Otavalo. We stayed on the main island in the town and took day trips instead of getting on one of the luxury cruises. It was really fantastic. We had an Equadorian travel agent, so that the price for 5 days was something like $1500 or less. The hotel was $28 a day for two with breakfast. Unbelievable place and your kids will love it. Ann Wilson
