Friday, January 17, 2020

On the train with Matt, to the pitch with Mike.

We had a lovely week capped off with an even lovelier weekend. We had visitors! Matt and Ani from Newcastle upon Tyne- yes the same Newcastle as Wilder! They're family! Swinging thru from Thailand on their Asian epic they stayed during the week: we would go to work and they would relax and explore the city. Then came the weekend.

Matt and I decided to try the circle line. Basically its a commuter train that circles the city in about 3 hours. It could do it in less time its just an old slow train... perfect. We checked the map and jumped on.

Another expat asked us our itinerary, we replied that we had none, just wanted to get off someplace random and wander about. We also wanted to enjoy the ride so we went and sat in the open doorway (they never close) and watched the city slide by

As you can imagine we were on the extraordinary class

All kids anywhere in the world need to have fun is : other kids, random objects, and no adults.

The sellers on the train were great. Picture this: The tray of food balances on the lady's head-no hands! She carries a basket with bags, spices, and a stool. If you want spicy noodle salad she drops the stool, sits down, and in one fluid motion brings the tray to her lap. Then in the middle bowl mixes all the ingredients and drops them in a clear plastic bag. After sticking in two chopsticks she hands it over- amazing! The lady in the back ground was her customer in this pic- she had her own basket of eggs. We also saw people selling cabbage, oranges, eyeglasses, and some type of fried goodness. This was the weekend and I hear on the weekday commute you are basically visited by the entire grocery store on your way home- brilliant.

Turns out the circle route isn't running in a circle at present- just a straight line up and back. No problem, that just gives us reason to return and try it again. We did end up getting off at a random spot and wandered. We found a beer shop, a fish restaurant, a bbq and beer restaurant, a sock store, a hardware store having a party, a snack shop with a cat sleeping in the chips, a bike shop with bike tubes and chains, a bike shop with tube and chain tools, a bike shop with Faisal. If you are wondering whether or not we visited these places the answer is yes,no,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes, and yes (Faisal was very nice and seemed to have worked out often)

The next day Matt and Ani caught the bus to Bago and further adventures. Mike, Franco Simpson and I decided to catch the opening fixture of the Myanmar premier league. We have decided to throw our support behind the local squad: Yangon United.

Within minutes of entering we had found jerseys and beer.

Yes, Let's.

The opposing team was Chin United, and they took advantage of the backdrop to take some headshots of their players. Here is their goalie (made me think of another keeper I know)

Apparently I bought the away jersey as the home kit is a delightful teal into pink blend. Will have to go back for another game I suppose. 
Image may contain: 1 person, playing a sport and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, playing a sport and outdoor

Hard fought. 1-1 at the half, 2-1 win at full time. This is our year. Let's do it.

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