Saturday, January 18, 2020

20 for 20

Not sure the exact context, but over the holidays I mentioned I love all the details here. My mom then mentioned she likes to hear them. So these are for you mom, every so often I'll go take 20 pics in 2020 and give a few details. It will either be quite dull or mildy entertaining. In any case- enjoy.

Our house and front gate

Next door they are putting on a new roof. This guy is 40 feet up, barefoot.

These carts are quite common. Used to deliver water, pick up trash, etc.

I just missed this one, she and her child were both smiling a second ago- alas!

Than Lwin road must be the bane of delivery drivers. The numbers are in somewhat of an order but you just have to get a feel for where the house you are looking for might be.

The road to school, just has that "whats around the corner" vibe to it I guess

You would never know. That later the most amazing cooking meat smells will come from this cart on the left. On the right they make betel nut.

Tri shaw driver waiting for a fare. They know how to get comfortable, I have seen many asleep in their side cars- that's good sleep balance.

Newspaper delivery man

Banyan tree. Just wow.

Usually a lot more people out walking, always with colorful longyis.

Little cafe round the corner from school. Has a reliable supply of old dudes sitting, sipping, and likely bs'ing about life.

This is an example of an e-bike. I get passed by these often and at first was shocked that an old heavy rattle trap could drop me. Then I started seeing the batteries.

Some construction workers waiting for tea.

Cement bags. These get used! First for cement, then for carrying dirt, trash, leaves, whatever! I have seen them used as driveway paver stones, barrier walls, even posh backpacks. 

Hey look, it's Luca!

Would have missed this one but for the one that dropped on my head as I went under.

This guy was adjusting the mirrors. Across the street was a man (in a fedora) nodding no, no, no, yes each time they were moved.

This is the hotel across the street from our house, that top bit just doesn't seem to quite be done...

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