Saturday, December 12, 2020


Was quite fortunate to be invited on a photo walk this weekend with Dan and Nicolas, two teachers at school and skilled photographers. I'm not a skilled photographer, but like dancing I enjoy doing it and would like to get better. I still let my camera focus for me and I don't know what an fstop is, but will keep practicing because I am so intrigued by the stories that images can tell. They may be imagined stories, they may be real- but they are fun to tell.

Here are a few shots I took.
We ended up at the river, and I have shared pictures of this building before. It used to be where they printed money, but now just carries the title "government office". Hands down one of my favorite buildings.

A couple of fishing shots: the floating bottles are attached to the net. A few minutes before this an enormous container ship went by. Didn't seem to phase these two.

This gentlemen stayed a bit closer to shore. Walked by us and said hello, then lit a smoke and dropped in a hook. You can see his reel next to him- much like kite string. We would have loved to see him catch something.

Some chinlone on the dock.

Evening water taxi.

Every street you go down contains possibilities of really cool sights. Everything is in some state of decay but it lends it such character!

Plants like to grow everywhere!

Dan took us to a couple of bookstores where the volume of books packed in was unreal.

Hanuman coffee. Where they still grind the beans in the old school orange grinders and then put a 1pound weight on the scale and balance your order. Nicolas told us that Hanuman is the Hindu god of single men and children and is a bit of a trickster.

I wanted to get some trishaw pics. They are so intriguing to me. 

Serendipity. Just as I was taking this the guy dumped out some water. Really glad I wasn't trying to get some artsy right below the spiral stairs point of view.

We followed the train tracks for a bit. Always great colors. No trains at present though.

See what I did here? picture of a guy taking a picture of a guy taking a picture.

Yeah, so I have a lot to work on, and I'm excited about that. Its the practicing that makes the process so enjoyable. Thanks Nicolas and Dan, was a well spent day

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