Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Mission #2

We live next to the Princess Inn. Hard to get the accurate story on its history but there have been murmers that it was a house of ill repute! These days only a few guys stay there as far as we can tell and Lisa thinks that it was on purpose that one of the s' fell off the sign. She is dying to go over with a sharpie and turn Princes  Inn into Prince's Inn.

I have been dying to get up on that roof and have a look around, so what better time than during the holiday of missions to give it a try. I loaded the following on my phone and crossed the road.

Here is the view of said roof from our driveway. It kind of looks like rapunzel's tower.

My google translate worked. Also, I did some top notch pointing to my camera and up and then at me. 

That little red spot you see is our patio chairs and table.

Totally nailed the sunset. Was way too early to see Saturn and Jupiter.

Unexpected bonus (and really isn't this why we go on missions?): It has a pool! Completely green water and no diving board. But now I have another mission- put on some swim trunks and grab a chili bin (cooler) and try to talk my way into an afternoon of pure relaxation in the sun! Will keep you posted.


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